yesterday was a horrible horrible day.
everyday i feel less accepted in this house. i don't belong in here. they don't like me for being me.
i don't think i ever exceeded their expectations about anything. i'm just this leech that takes space.

i've always wandered why i'm so insecure and why i never accepted the fact that people actually like me, care about me and can be interested on what i have to say. i still don't get it sometimes and i feel like i come out as needing too much reasurance and as being overwhelming.
it's not just people, but me. i've never really liked me, never thought i had anything to offer, never enough. i feel like an imposter all the time.

but in fact, i am indeed, not enough in here. i know they love me, in their way. but their way does not fit mine. it's agressive, toxic and suffocating. they wanna know what i'm feeling but they don't hear what i have to say. my pain is seen as exaggerated.

i don't deserve this. i wanna get out of here.

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